Friday, July 9, 2010


Yesterday Steph and I went to see Last Airbender - fun movie, by the way, though it didn't make as much use of the 3D as I'd hoped - and had both lunch and dinner out. Lunch was at Panera's on the way to the movie; dinner was at the mall afterward.

Also, on the way to the movie we stopped at the Apple Store.

We stopped at the Apple Store because my computer a coma. Because, see, after the library Wednesday we came home to watch DVDs and it was hot and I'm clumsy and.... I spilled a glass of water on top of the keyboard.


Luckily, my computer booted this morning (to much rejoicing) and so now I can write this blog to tell you how clumsy I am, and that Steph's on her way home and my interview went well.

*loading... this will be a link in a few hours days*

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, I noticed that too, how sometimes the only way I could tell it was 3D was if I took the glasses off and saw the fuzzy lines. Like, "okay, guess it's 3D..." But other parts were really cool, like the water and such, so that was cool.
