Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Chance to Relax

Labor Day weekend was... well, a while ago, but also a lot of fun.

In a calm way.

It was great to get a bunch of friends together and then just... enjoy. Never underestimate the value of reading in company. Or coloring.

Also, this happened:

Thursday, August 1, 2013

All or Nothing

I must admit I got desperately bored last winter. I'm the kind of person that really needs to be doing something – preferably something useful – and there was little to do. I didn't even write blog posts, because, well... about what?

So I set out to fix this problem. I sent out another round of resumes to every place that looked like it might be fun to work for, whether they were hiring or not. I tracked down Rochester's Habitat for Humanity. I looked up book clubs at the library. I signed up for an online class through Coursera. I begged my church for more ways to get involved.

Unfortunately, everything worked. Or maybe fortunately, but it still hasn't done much for this blog. Between working 40 hours a week at Landmasters (where I get to play with fish and learn all about building things), trying to make Habitat and book club meetings (where I've become far more social than I ever was in Boston), being part of the Good News Committee at church (somehow joined inadvertently while working on the website :-) ), and trying to keep up with my app-building class, I still haven't written any blog posts. But at least there's a lot to write about now.

Which is why I'm going to drop all of the above, and talk about my sister instead.

Because she's awesome.

And I can.

And she coauthored a paper on
annoynimity anonymmity anonymity on the internet (does anyone else have trouble spitting that out?), and then went to a human-computer interaction conference in Paris for its presentation. And she's already impressed her grad school before even starting there, and she's already got a job lined up for after she moves.

I've been proud everywhere else, so I might as well brag here too ;-)

random link

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Year

I'm not going to promise regular updates, because I've no idea how the rest of the winter will go, but it is definitely time for more frequent updates. So let's try that: my new year's resolution (one of many, really) is to bring this blog back.

No more Boston stories... but perhaps there will be Rochester stories. Even if it's only how the RMSC had to pull a few ceiling panels out to fit Sue into their exhibit (she was very impressive) :-)

No more Emerson stories... but I am tentatively designing a new website for St. Pius, so we'll get to see that.

And as for the job search... it's ongoing. I'm keeping resume and website updated; I've redesigned my website; I've refocused my search. I'm no longer looking for a publishing house. Instead, I'd like to be the digital publisher for a small organization or company. Web design is fun! And so is the creation of an epub file, despite some tediousness in the process. I'm looking to learn app building.

So: 2013. Let's see how it goes!