Monday, June 21, 2010


I mentioned before that Boston reminded me of Spain, and it's certainly hot enough. Therefore I have decided that until a job or class forces me to change my schedule, I will plan on observing a siesta. I'll run errands in the morning, be back to the apartment for lunch, and then stay there until around 2. Perhaps this way I'll be able to stay cool.

This morning's errands taught me all about the many buildings Emerson has, mainly because each office I went to referenced another for some of my questions, and none were in the same building. All were helpful though - and I got a new Writer's Chronicle to read on the way home.

This afternoon - after 2 - I plan to get both my phone and computer fixed. I've got directions to a street with both stores near each other. Then depending on how much energy I have I'll either explore more or come back to hang posters and hook up my printer.

And now, time for my siesta. ¡Hasta maƱana!

"Song and story, that's what we love. What did you do today? Tell me what happened. How did it go last night? Then what happened? What did he say then? That's what we ask each other every day, right? What happened? Well, after that, what happened? Well, then what'd you do? We love to know this. We want to know. Action and time with consequence, and then, consequently, what happened? We love stories. It will never go away. Humans, we were built on stories. We need stories."

- Marie Howe, in interview in Summer 2010 Writer's Chronicle

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