Saturday, September 24, 2011

I'm not really crazy. I promise.

Me: You should really get some work done.

Me: Nah, I don't feel like it.

Me: Seriously – homework, cleaning, something.

Me: In a bit.

Me: A new blog even?

Me: I'll get to it.

3 hours later

Me: It's getting late.

Me: Mmm.

Me: You do realize you have a paper due tomorrow?*

Me: Yeah, I'll do that next.


Me: Hello?


Me: Remember that paper?


Me: Really, it's getting late and you've got a long day tomorrow. Just do the paper.

Me: Yeah, yeah.


Me: Just write the paper and go to bed!

Me: ...I think I'll watch Balto III, that sounds like a great idea.


And that is why the internet is evil. Because of course it is entirely to blame for my concentration problems and it will single-handedly destroy the world momentarily.
...Does the internet even have hands?

*Disclaimer: The paper in question was only a one-page, informal response paper, and it did, in fact, get written. Don't worry, Mom.


  1. haha YES, exactly. Substitute reading for writing and I'm right there with you.
