Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I was looking forward to this book on my list - and I was not disappointed. Sure, it starts slow, but once it gets going it's hard to put down.

There are multiple mysteries woven skillfully together in this story, and the first introduced actually becomes the least important - at least to the reader. It is a framework. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a violence-awareness tale, wearing a financial intrigue like a thin disguise. This does not detract from it at all; in fact, in my opinion, it makes it more interesting. The focus becomes the characters themselves, rather than just their bank accounts, as they attempt to navigate both financial and physical dangers, searching for truth.

I am looking forward to the rest of this trilogy.

1 comment:

  1. Yay that you're reading these!

    The second one is even creepier and even less put-down-able. The characters are so heroic and so human all at once. I've never been drawn so easily into something so political before. The fact that Larsson's message is blindingly unsubtle actually makes the book more powerful for me; it makes me feel like I'm holding one of Blomkvist's exposés in my hands. It's like Larsson has become a conduit for Blomkvist's mission... oh wait, perhaps it's the other way around ;-]
