Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Plans

For not having classes or a job, I've sure been busy. Grandma's birthday picnic was a lot of fun. Then I went home for a week to see everyone - and that was great too. Now I'm back in Boston, catching up on laundry, bills, grocery shopping, and sleep. Plus I'm trying to better organize my room (you'd never believe it, at the moment, because inevitably, being half way through means it looks worse than when I started) and I'm looking into stuff to do around Boston.

I also found a new parish that I really like... now I'll be bouncing back and forth between there and St. Columbkille's.

And I plan on spending a lot of time at the library. I may be disappointed by their fiction selection, but the nonfiction's impressive! So I'll be satisfying random curiosity.

Also, Cool stuff.

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