I must admit I got desperately bored last winter. I'm the kind of person that really needs to be doing
something – preferably something useful – and there was little to do. I didn't even write blog posts, because, well... about what?
So I set out to fix this problem. I sent out another round of resumes to every place that looked like it might be fun to work for, whether they were hiring or not. I tracked down Rochester's Habitat for Humanity. I looked up book clubs at the library. I signed up for an online class through
Coursera. I begged my church for more ways to get involved.
Unfortunately, everything worked. Or maybe fortunately, but it still hasn't done much for this blog. Between working 40 hours a week at
Landmasters (where I get to play with fish and learn all about building things), trying to make Habitat and book club meetings (where I've become far more social than I ever was in Boston), being part of the Good News Committee at church (somehow joined inadvertently while working on the website :-) ), and trying to keep up with my app-building class, I still haven't written any blog posts. But at least there's a lot to write about now.
Which is why I'm going to drop all of the above, and talk about my sister instead.
Because she's awesome.
And I can.
And she coauthored a paper on
annoynimity anonymmity anonymity on the internet (does anyone else have trouble spitting that out?), and then went to a human-computer interaction conference in Paris for its presentation. And she's already impressed her grad school before even starting there, and she's already got a job lined up for after she moves.
I've been proud everywhere else, so I might as well brag here too ;-)
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