Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Awesome Day

1. I got an internship.

2. It was about 60 degrees out - ie perfect.

3. My new shoes came.

4. I got an internship.

5. I finally got a response from one of the magazines I contacted about my final paper.

6. My printer passed its last test - it worked perfectly, with no hassle & no wait, after having been left on all night. Epson: 3 HP: 0 (or should I give them a point for being pretty?)

7. I got an internship.

8. My group's magazine project presentation went really well, and the class let out early.

9. My new issue of Ploughshares came in the mail.

10. Did I mention the internship?

Also: I got off the T, thought, "It smells like rain," and two seconds later it was raining. Which... is less awesome, but at least proves I'm awesome.

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