I'm done at Borders. It's empty. Closed. Signs torn down and everything. When we passed it last week, there were a bunch of guys in suits having some sort of meeting in there... I wonder what will take over the space?
I'm also almost done with school - just one more week. All my major projects and papers are done. I just love this feeling: for once, I don't have dozens of things due, overdue, or almost due all hanging over my head. What's more, Mom & Dad took me grocery shopping and helped me get my laundry done when they visited for Easter (thanks guys!), so none of that needs to be done immediately either.
I cleaned off my desk today. I know it looked like piles and piles of random junk, but believe it or not, that was my "inbox," which was overflowing. So cleaning my desk off meant completing dozens of minor (and not-so-minor) things that I'd let slide. I vacuumed too, and washed the stove and the microwave. And the dishes. Really, I've been quite productive considering how late I got up.
About that: I got up very late today. I've been sleeping 10-12 hours straight each night... hopefully this means I'll soon be caught up on all the sleep I missed this past month, and can go back to 8-hour nights.
Walden Pond