Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bit Damp for Owl

I thought, when I looked out the window this morning, that there was no reason for the snow day we're having today.  It wasn't snowing... it wasn't even really raining much. Then I went to pay the rent, just around the corner.

I have just successfully completed that expedition, and lived to tell the tale. I must say, it's a good thing classes are canceled today. I don't think I could make it there without an amphibious vehicle of some sort, like maybe one of these.

We have several feet of snow, melting really fast, but there's nowhere that's not paved and the drains are clogged with ice.  Where there's still snow, some of it's rock-solid and some just looks like it while actually being liquid.  Then there's the parts that are a little of both, so that you sink through sharp edges. I am so staying inside the rest of the day. Groceries can wait.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing your apartment is not at street level!!!!
