So... as promised, my current driving entertainment: fluff on cd. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies was just the beginning.
But why not start there? Interestingly, there was a semi-serious bit at the beginning about what Jane Austen might have thought of such a thing. They seemed to be on to something, but never quite dared draw a conclusion. I'm not sure I dare either, but I will say this: she just might have been amused. Maybe. Otherwise, of course, she'd be horrified, but she just might have enjoyed the joke.
Also, I once tried to read this, and couldn't get through it, but listening had me laughing aloud while driving. I think it was the accents. How can you not laugh at zombie-fighting dialogue delivered in a posh British accent?
Since then, I've gone through quite a few audio books from the library. My favorite discoveries are The Harrison Investigations series by Heather Graham and the Bishop/SCU series from Kay Hooper. In both cases, "series" is a loose term (luckily, as so far I've only heard one book from each, both from somewhere in the middle of the series) for a group of stand-alone books connected by themes and/or background characters. You might learn more about the world by reading the series together, but you don't need to for the individual plots. They're also both mysteries, with supernatural elements. Guess we know what I like now.
The biggest flop was probably Tony Hillerman. And he had such potential, too! But despite a good mystery, by the end I was just about ready to kill Jim Chee and his friends myself, for being macho idiots. Women are perfectly capable of doing anything you can do, Jim Chee. Especially the ones who have the same badge and gun you do. A little respect, that's all I ask.
And no, treating someone as only a potential damsel in distress is not respect. Nor is it unacknowledged love, as far as I'm concerned. It's macho stupidity.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
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