Friday, February 25, 2011

Job Hunt Redux

So I've looked at my budget again, and I think I'm actually okay until I have to pay my final semester's tuition... and I could accept a bigger loan, which would get me a lot closer... but really I suppose I'm going to need another job. So back to the job search I go.

I've talked to the manager at Emerson's B&N, and sent her my resume. I've also asked at church, and plan on making the rounds of the neighborhood again to see if anything I can walk to is hiring. B&N in the mall doesn't seem to be, but it wouldn't hurt to go ask anyway.

Also: internships! The guest speaker at my next editing class works for a company that just might have them! More on that later...

Silver Lining

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Decision Points

This is a really, really good book.  Bush looks at major decisions he made before and during his years as president, and he analyzes them.  What was their significance?  Why did he choose the way he did?  Was he right or wrong?  What could he have done instead?  The analysis is actually really good, and while I don't know whether or not a political scientist would like the book, the historian in me loved it.

Especially the bit where I was reading about his hopes for Egypt about two days after Mubarak was forced out.  I was impressed.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Luxury Is...

indoor, private laundry

a fridge of one's own

a view of the horizon

a boss who respects people

One down, three to go.  I'm moving up in the world.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bit Damp for Owl

I thought, when I looked out the window this morning, that there was no reason for the snow day we're having today.  It wasn't snowing... it wasn't even really raining much. Then I went to pay the rent, just around the corner.

I have just successfully completed that expedition, and lived to tell the tale. I must say, it's a good thing classes are canceled today. I don't think I could make it there without an amphibious vehicle of some sort, like maybe one of these.

We have several feet of snow, melting really fast, but there's nowhere that's not paved and the drains are clogged with ice.  Where there's still snow, some of it's rock-solid and some just looks like it while actually being liquid.  Then there's the parts that are a little of both, so that you sink through sharp edges. I am so staying inside the rest of the day. Groceries can wait.